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About Us

When I first thought of creating it, I started it as I did not know a single percent of the beginning and the end of it. I prepared myself for almost three years to make this. There are two reasons for creating this, one is that when my brother informed me that he has created a similar service in Thailand and it has good reception and good income, I heard it and left it at that. Then a year later when he was casually talking about it again I got it in my brain that his company had grown many folds. I thought I should take advantage of the fact that in this modern world people are immersed in the magic of online. I was born in this town, grew up here and can be a person who can be known by many services to the people. However, the chairman of a Chennai-based company called Cloud helped me build it. This trading app was developed by him. It is noteworthy that the intention of this application was not created with the idea that only one person should be good, all of us local traders should be good, and the products that can be produced in our locality should reach all parts of Tamil Nadu. Therefore, I have created this with the idea of providing people's service, people's need, an app for people, an app where people of our town can get all the things very easily. Again and again I ask people to trust you and invest lakhs of rupees to create such a wonderful service for you. So everyone should use this app to make us a huge success. I request you that you also benefit so that this company also grows smoothly. Of course people will use KTM Shopee app to get all the things they need and make them successful thanks.

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